Mod 4 Pre-work
Continue with your coaching – digging deeper noticing and listening.
Continue with your reflections – you all now have a frame by which to do that.
Continue with your CPD – loving the whatsapp additions.
Contract to meet with your buddy and continue to hold each other to account re CPD, coaching hours and case study etc
Note for timings after Module 4 and when the deadlines are for handing in work:
Recorded zoom or teams coaching session and transcript with your added comments on 30 minutes of your choosing from the session. We would like to have the whole recording and then the transcript and comments for just the 30 mins you choose.
By 5.00pm May 10th -
Summary of Learning (2-3 pages A4) and Case Study (1000 words) all details and examples are on the portal in the integration tab
By 9.00am May 22nd